Alexis Kingery

Alexis Kingery


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If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
The Netherlands, to visit my family.

What is your best personal attribute?
I'm incredibly giving to those close to me.

How do you look good on Instagram?
I don't really put a lot of effort into looking good on instagram, I have a very particular personal style that allows me to stand out and has translated well to social media, but i'm really just wearing what I like and documenting it.

whoever gave me this rose at berlin pls stand up

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What fictional character do you wish you could meet?
I always thought Chris from US skins was so hot, can't put my finger on why, but yeah would love to meet the actor as that character.

summer moment mid winter

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What’s your favorite smell in the whole world?
Daisy by Marc Jacobs.

What do you think is the greatest invention of all time?
Mobile phone, I run my entire business (@shopbluedream, I sell vintage and 00s clothes on an instagram store,) from my iPhone, which is actually pretty cool if you think about it, even down to documenting spending/clients etc.

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Who is the kindest person you know?
My dad, he is a saint and I'm not sure how he doesn't hate me at this point (I was a wild teenager.) I seriously cannot shock the man, not that I'm trying, but he's super patient & accepting.

Images courtesy of Alexis Kingery



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