Amazon Fashion Secrets

Amazon Fashion Secrets

Keely Murphy’s Instagram is a guilty little pleasure. I admit it, I love the rabbit hole I fall into every time I search for an item on Amazon…the experience, the patience, the hunt. Sometimes, though I just want a one stop shop without all the hustle or hassle - that’s just what you get with @fashionsecrets93.


How old are you and do you go to school or have a job?
24 year old Stylist 

Where do you live?
Los Angeles 

What were the last key words you searched on Amazon?
“heart shaped box”


Do you actually buy a lot or do you mostly just browse/window shop?
I used to buy a lot more! It’s actually been very fun just finding things and sharing them. But I do get practical things for work almost weekly… hosiery and hair accessories for the most part. 

Can you pick one favorite item you have found? Or at least a top three? 
There are things I wear and love in a practical sense and think everyone should have, but a lot of my favorites have to do with their pictures! Half the fun for me is finding crazy product images. I look for things that I think have good design… things I know people are looking to buy, and things that are wild and on trend. 

1. Myself and thousands of shoppers have been looking for this dress since Paris turned 21, and alas here it is!


2. This photo is crazy, I'll never get over it!

3. This harness I found recently, I mean look at it! It's perfect outsider fashion!

What is the darkest thing you've stumbled upon on Amazon?

It comes in 12 colors!

I am guilty as charged when it comes to using or supporting Amazon as a company, so I promise I'm not trying to be vindictive here (I shop Amazon a lot for my commercial jobs and I shop at Whole Foods everyday which is now owned by Amazon), but I simply must address the elephants in the room: 

What is your opinion on the Amazon effect?  What it is doing to small businesses across the world? 
Totally! I am in no way affiliated with Amazon so my opinion does not reflect their views. I think bootleg Supreme being sold on Amazon is hilarious, but I don’t want to see small jewelry lines having their product knocked off and sold for under $10. 

We buy things from Amazon because it’s convenient and reliable. If we are going to continue to use their marketplace, I think it’s important for Amazon to make it easy and cost effective for small businesses to benefit from drop shipping, fulfillment, and other services…As well as continuing to monitor and remove knock off product, which is a huge task! 

It’s scary and maybe a little exciting to imagine an e-commerce future dominated by Amazon. Right now “Secrets” feels like a little community carved out of the conglomerate for people who think fashion is funny! And should be inclusive and available to everyone. That’s where my head is. I think the page has the potential to be a very cool place for exclusive runs from unique small businesses or even a private label!

What about Amazon's effect on the environment?
It is imperative that they be as eco-friendly as freaking possible!! There’s nothing cool about pollution and that will undoubtedly catch up to them. I am no expert on this, but one would think there is enough money being made to focus on reducing their carbon footprint. 


Images courtesy of FASHIONSECRETS93


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