Ava P. Moosavi

Ava P. Moosavi

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bra marks and sales

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Ava tells us about the emotional years of elementary school and how she decided to use her bitchy confidence differently. With power comes great responsibility, as Uncle Ben said, and Ava is up for the task!

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How are you today? What’s up?
I’m good! I’ve been a little stressed lately but it’s finally starting to feel as if I have enough time to do things. I am currently on lunch break from work, and I finally get to sit down, which was much needed.

I work as a sales advisor for Rodebjer here in Stockholm, and loving it!

What is you greatest achievement in life?
I’ve always been very hard on myself when it comes to achievements, I never really see when I’ve finally achieved “it”, I just think of what needs to be done next, so I never think much about what I’ve already accomplished. But moving to Stockholm from my little hometown is probably the biggest thing I’ve done. I didn’t really know anyone here, and being from the “outside” you have to be the one that takes initiative when it comes to friends and relationships, but I’ve become so much more interactive and open, so I can probably say that I rose to the occasion!

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22 and finally one of the greats

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Do you feel like a leader or a follower? 
I would say mostly a leader, but at sometimes a follower as well. I’m not an expert in a lot of things (probably anything haha) so following and observing is a way of learning new things. But once I get a hang of things a have a lot to say and usually a lot of ideas.

Describe your tattoos and the stories behind them?
Oh god, I actually had to count them before answering this haha. I have 17 tattoos now (I think??)  Some of them are pretty stupid but they all have some sort of meaning. My favourites right now is a little weird man that my best friend from back home drew a little while before I moved, I told her when she gave me the drawing that I would one day get it tattooed, and like 2 years later I did. I have 5 eyes at the back of my upper arm that represents my mom, dad and three older brothers, so I always have them with me. I have two that’s a sort of homage to my father, one that says “sry dad” just because he hates tattoos and one on the inside of my lip that says “bite me”, he’s a dentist so thought it’d be fun.

I also have an homage to my mom. It’s a beet on my foot and it says “I got the beet” under it.

And the one people usually react to is a smiling mouth I drew myself with two teeth missing, got that a while after I actually smashed out my teeth, just to remind me what always saying yes can result in.

Oh and another one is a lighter that my best friend and I got together. She’s the first person I got to know in Stockholm even before I moved here. We met on a night out when I was here visiting, she asked me for a lighter. And almost four years later we’re still friends.

I’ve seen that you frequently change the colour of your hair! Do you choose colour after mood?
Which shade is the most ”Ava”?
Well I actually change my hair every six months. I get really bored with the way I look and changing your hair is the easiest, and cheapest way to change your whole look, and it’s not exactly permanent either.

I’ve had like every kind of haircut and colour you can think of, but I don’t know which one I feel the most “me” in, it depends on who I feel like I am at the moment. But I always tend to go back to a shorter bob-haircut with a brown shade that’s slightly darker than my natural. I really wanna go back to being a platinum blonde, but damn ain’t nobody got the time or money for that. It takes so much maintenance and effort that I just don’t have, but having pink cotton candy hair was probably the most fun I’ve had (even better than being a regular blonde). So to put a stop to the whole “do blondes have more fun”-conundrum, no they do not.

What were you like in high school and how do you think you will be like as a senior?
Actually had a conversation about this when I went back home to visit this summer. I ran in to a guy I didn’t personally know during high school, but it being a small town you kinda knew who everyone was. 

Middle school wasn’t the easiest for me so entering high school I thought that I could reinvent myself. But I was kind of a bitch, to be blunt. I wasn’t afraid to speak up, against teachers and students and I thought that people generally didn’t know who I was, I thought I kinda faded in to the background. But this guy I talked to said: “no everyone knew who you were, I always wanted to say hi but I was scared you were gonna get mad at me for even talking to you.” Which was true, I probably would’ve haha. I wouldn’t have understood why he would talk to me, which stems from a really bad confidence, so I thought that if I was mean, the ones that stayed I could trust. Later in senior year I understood that people aren’t gonna put up with shit like that, so I decided to change and open up more.

Oh man, as a senior I want to be one of those really cool women with an awesome style that’s bohemian and really out there. I already know now I’m gonna get white hair pretty early, but I’m excited about that (that means I don’t have to bleach it platinum anymore). I’ve said before that I wanna be the fun cousin at family reunions that drinks a little bit too much wine, the cool aunt that shows the kids all the cool brands and awesome music. But I want to be someone you can look up to, whether it’s looking up to the way I look, or act or what I’ve achieved. Just knowing someone’s gonna look to me and say “I wanna do that or look like that” that’s enough incentive for me to do better.

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draco malfoy

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What do you usually do on Friday evenings? 
Well it’s Friday as I’m writing this, and tonight after work I’m going to a charity fundraiser for a children’s shelter in Kenya. One of my best friends parents helped put it together so I’m going to show support. Usually a friend djs at a club or there’s an event going on, but I’ve started to enjoy being alone at times, so I spend a few Fridays or days off watching The Fifth Element for the 68th time, is there anyone hotter than Milla Jovovich in that movie?

Dream job?
I thought a lot about this and I haven’t come to a set conclusion. I have dreams that I know I can achieve and dreams I dream of achieving. But it’s a split first place between making a living out of being a model, and working as a buyer in the fashion industry. At least I know it’s fashion I wanna work with, but I’ve dreamed of being a journalist for Rolling Stone, working for NASA and owning a little surf hut on a beach somewhere tropical. Whatever it is I hope I’m happy doing it, otherwise there’s a million other things to do.

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smug as a bug in a rug

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courtesy AVA P. MOOSAVI



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