Beril Oktem

Beril Oktem

In Fashion Language, Fashion isn’t just about what you wear—it’s about the story you tell without uttering a word. Beril Oktem, a designer with Istanbul roots and a creative home in London, speaks this language fluently. Her designs are a fusion of bold statements and cultural narratives, each piece a reflection of her unapologetic self-expression. From navigating a high school steeped in math and science to becoming the visionary behind BERIL OKTEM, Beril's journey is a testament to follow your passion, no matter where it leads.

Where Fashion Meets Fearless Expression

At its core, fashion is more than just clothes—it's an unspoken language, a way to express who we are without saying a word. Beril Oktem, a London-based designer with roots in Istanbul, understands this better than most. Her journey into the fashion world is a blend of bold choices, cultural influences, and a fearless approach to self-expression. From her early days of secretly dreaming of design while navigating the expectations of a math and science high school to her present-day success as the creative force behind BERIL OKTEM, Beril’s story is one of passion, perseverance, and unapologetic authenticity.

Beril’s designs aren’t just garments; they’re vivid, daring, and provocative statements. With a brand identity grounded in the words "Powerful, Bold, and C*nt," she creates pieces that challenge societal norms and celebrate individuality. In this interview, Beril takes us through her journey, inspirations, and the philosophy that fuels her unique creative vision.

The Bold, The Creative, and The Unapologetic

“Hello, this is Beril Oktem, a fashion designer based in London!”
Beril Oktem's journey into fashion wasn't a straight line. Growing up in Istanbul, her dream of becoming a designer was a secret she kept close. “If you asked me when I was young, I would never have believed that I’d end up as a fashion designer.” She was surrounded by expectations that leaned toward more conventional careers, especially since she attended a math and science high school. “I would always pretend I wanted to be an architect or a computer scientist just to blend in.” Despite this, her passion for fashion quietly simmered beneath the surface, waiting for the right moment to emerge.

It wasn't until Beril moved to London that she decided to pursue her true calling. “After I moved to London, I decided I’d chase my actual dreams instead,” she recalls. It wasn’t long before she bought her first sewing machine and started to fall in love with the process of creating and sewing.

The Essence of Beryl's Artistry

When asked about what drives her creative direction, Beril’s response is both intriguing and unapologetic: “I am heavily inspired by the words ‘Powerful, Bold, and C*nt.’ These are the foundations of my brand.” Her influences are as eclectic as they come, ranging from a particular fabric to a meme she finds hilarious, or even a brick wall. “But the core remains the same,” she emphasizes.

Beril is currently immersed in deep research for a new concept she wants her brand to follow—a secret that she’s keeping under wraps for now. “I can’t reveal too much just yet, but stay tuned,” she teases with a wink.

A Fusion of Disciplines

Beril’s love for art extends beyond fashion. “I love art pieces that take time to understand,” she says. This philosophy bleeds into her designs, where she invites viewers to take a moment to truly appreciate the depth of her work. Her love for painting, influenced by her mother, played a significant role in shaping her artistic outlook. “Even before fashion, I always painted. My paintings didn’t make sense at first glance, but there was always a story behind them.”

Currently, Beril is studying BA Fashion Design: Print Course at Central Saint Martins (CSM). “I love creating prints, which I want to use more in my future collections,” she explains. The idea of mixing her structural designs with unique prints excites her. “It adds another layer of storytelling.”

Designing for the Fearless

When it comes to the global social space and culture, Beril knows exactly who she’s designing for. “I design for people who are not afraid of society and its norms,” she states boldly. For her, fashion is a form of expression, a way for people to feel empowered. “I want people to feel strong and super confident when wearing BERIL OKTEM like they own the world and love every moment of it!”

Fashion: The Experiment and The Therapy

“Fashion is an experiment for me—it’s also therapy,” Beril says, reflecting on her design process. She often gets asked which of her designs is her favorite, a question she likens to asking a mother to pick her favorite child. “I love all my pieces, regardless of whether they’re popular or not.” Challenging societal norms with her designs is something she relishes. “Some might think my looks are too revealing, but I love creating C*nty-Party looks—it makes me happy! (lol)”

Why the World Loves Beril Oktem

Beril’s designs are adored because they provoke a reaction. “They challenge the eyes of the viewers. You either love it, judge it or want to wear it!” At the moment, half of her pieces are custom-made for celebrities—a process she finds incredibly fun. The other half are personal experiments in brand development. “I’m working on developing a more accessible ready-to-wear collection, so more people can get a piece of BERIL OKTEM.”

The Creative Struggles and the AI Revolution

Even the most creative minds have their struggles. “The biggest challenge for me is feeling stuck. In those moments, I take a deep breath, have a nice, silent breakdown, and then get back to work!” she jokes. On a more serious note, she acknowledges the potential impact of AI on the fashion industry. “AI is super fun and scary at the same time. I don’t use it in my design process yet, but who knows what the future holds?”

A Tale of Two Cities: Istanbul and London

Beril spent her formative years in Istanbul, a city steeped in culture and history. “Until a few months ago, I never thought that could be the missing piece in my brand. I plan to embrace this a lot more in my upcoming collections.” Moving to London at 15 was a pivotal moment for her. “It felt like stepping into a whole new world. I fell in love with the buildings and architecture!”

Though her background is in math and physics, Beril isn’t shy about how these subjects influence her designs. “I’m not ashamed to say I’m a math freak. After getting into fashion, I realized how much math and physics help me create big, calculated structures. It’s not magic to make fabric defy gravity.”

Looking Ahead: The Future of Beril Oktem

So, what’s next for this bold designer? “I’m keen on further developing the BERIL OKTEM brand. I can’t wait to see my Cnty party looks on the streets after my ready-to-wear collection releases,” she says with excitement. “Life is short, so you might as well stay Cnt.”

Top Tracks and Shoutouts

What’s on Beryl’s playlist? “Hard to choose, but:

● LEGEND - Alice Longyu Gao, Alice Glass

● White Mustang - Lana Del Rey

● That’s Not Me - Skepta”

And a shoutout? “Bambie Thug—they always slay.”

What’s Cooking?

While she’s tight-lipped about specifics, Beril hints at exciting projects on the horizon. “Think Ready To Wear, think CSM Graduate Collection, think more custom looks for your favorite artists and celebs!”

Beril Oktem is a designer who isn’t afraid to push boundaries, embrace her quirks, and create fashion that’s as bold as she is. And she’s just getting started.



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