Coco Kate

Coco Kate

What is the most memorable adventure you have had?
I keep on forgetting my life so I'm not gonna search in my diaries and I'm gonna say that it is my trip to Madrid last year. I went there to meet friends, have some fun. After crazy time with those Spanish people (who are even partying harder than the Polish) sleeping on the street I ended up having my birthday in the hospital but having my hand held by the sexy nurse Tatiana.

What is the most random thing you’ve ever watched all the way through on TV?
I used to be a fan of Mango TV and also those phone sex adverts.

Do you believe in aliens?
I don't believe in that 'commercial' idea of the aliens even tho my friends are trying to force me to do. But well, out of the Solar System could be anything and those other civilizations are just watching us because we're too dumb to get involved in the interaction. It makes me feel overwhelmed. A lot.

Bungee jumping, or skydiving?

What is something you’ve always wanted to try but have been too scared to?
Be a dealer, steal a dog and tell my mom that I'm gay.

Where is your favorite place to go on a weekday afternoon when you have no plans or obligations?
I would start from heaving a themed dinner - fancy dress party at home with my friends, then when we're in the right mood we would move to this cheap glam polish gay club with live singing and this aggressive cage for dancing inside, which reminds me of Las Vegas.

How old were you when you first had a crush on someone?
9 more or less

Images courtesy of Coco Kate

Interview Kardelen Yuce


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