Ellisa Samara

Ellisa Samara

What has been on your mind lately?
I’ve been thinking a lot about how difficult it can be to balance your job with the thing that brings you the most joy. For me, I am a photographer and work as a photography lab technician. I spend my week retouching other artist' work as well. I love what I do, but it has an impact on how much time I allow myself to work on my own photographs. Whether it’s going out and shooting (I only work with film) or scanning negatives, I am trying to commit more of my time to working on my own art. I recently had a show open for the month of September and I’ll be taking it down tomorrow. It’s only made me more motivated to spend more time creating for myself.

What are you looking most forward to at the moment?
Fall weather, mainly. Bring on the layers, baby! At the same time, I’m going to LA in a few weeks with my best friend. We’re going to hike through Joshua Tree. I’ll be working on a new body of work on this trip. I went to LA four years ago and I couldn’t get enough. Did you know there are no fireflies in LA? I’m interested in the overall life style of LA since I’ve been an east coast kid my entire life.

What is the first tattoo you got, and how did you decide to get it?
The first tattoo I got was my Oma’s (grandmother) signature on my wrist. I was twenty one and she had passed away some months prior. We were extremely close and I wanted her with me always. I knew I wanted her signature from an old birthday card she had given to me but I waited to get it until it felt right. I’m getting another piece of her soon. I’m super sentimental, if you couldn’t tell.

Where is your favorite location to take a selfie?
Always outside. I don’t give a f*ck if people see me taking a selfie in public. I spent years struggling with my self esteem, and still do, but if I’m feeling good I’m gonna take a dang pic of myself. It makes me feel good. 

What is your biggest pet peeve?
I live in NYC and I cannot handle when people won’t step off the train to let others off. It takes less time, no one has to feel awkward squeezing past you. It’s polite and the right thing to do. I feel like some train riders think the train is just going to speed off without them! Just chill! You’ll be able to get back on.

Images courtesy of ELLISA SAMARA


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