Lili Steele

Lili Steele

I need to stop op shopping

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What does a typical day in Melbourne consist of for you?
When I’m not working or studying, a typical day consists of drinking too much coffee, walking everywhere in painful shoes because I can't drive, catching up with people I love, and a lot of partying and wasting my money on silly things like cocktails and plush toys and furry hats.


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Do you enjoy studying advertising?
Yes and no. Mainly yes. I’ve discovered that you kind of need to be a bad person to be in advertising, but I’m kind of bad.

Where do you want to travel to in Europe?
I’ve told myself that I only want to travel to a few different places in Europe. Rather than moving around a lot and constantly being worried about catching planes and trains, I want to stay in a single place for a few weeks and just do what I want. So far I’m definitely going to London and Berlin.


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How did you prepare for your journey in Europe?
I decided to go on this trip quite spontaneously, so to be completely honest, I haven’t prepared anything. I’m working for the first half of the year and then heading over sometime in July. I haven’t booked anything yet. I’m terrible at organising things, and my sense of direction is horrible, so I'm interested to see how everything turns out.

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Who are you traveling with?


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How did get into collecting babushka dolls?
My Great Grandma had this amazing babushka doll. After she passed away it oddly disappeared, so now whenever I’m out shopping and find a babushka doll it ends up in my room.

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What fascinates you about the Harry Potter merchandise?
I’m really just a huge Harry Potter fan. I started reading the books when I was little, and I now read the entire series annually. I’ve always liked collecting things, so naturally I have an obsession with collecting everything Harry Potter related. My most prized possession is a wand from Harry Potter World in Japan.


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Where do you write about boys/heartbreak/relationships? Do you have a blog?
All of my writing is very personal. When I was sixteen I started writing short stories about my experiences (good and bad) with boys/men. Writing comes in waves for me, sometimes I can go for 6 months without writing anything personal. But one day I hope to publish an anthology of my stories. God knows I’ve got a lot of interesting stories up my sleeve.

Drowned rat

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Images courtesy of Lili Steele



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