Mall Racer

Mall Racer

Who wants to be a Mall Rat when you can be a Mall Racer? Why loaf around the food court while lonely shoppers slurp up greasy noodles when you can noodle yourself up down and all around the joint?! Post holidays, it is easy to get the hum drums.....the woe is me's......the winter blues. So, when you are the down in the dumps throw on some sneakers and head to the mall for a quick walkabout! Below are some tips and ideas for you so that you can really make shopping your cardio!  

It is recommended to start your laps strategically - around the outside of the mall. This will allow you to get some fresh air, warm up a bit and get your head wrapped around the general layout of the buildings. Keep your eye out for where the biggest stores are located as they will be your trusty landmarks when inside. Most <American> shopping malls are built like casinos and can be quite over-whelming - if this is the case, stop by the Customer Service Desk (usually located in the center of the mall just below the food court) and ask them for a map to take with you. Use the stairs or escalators rather than the elevators and try doing a few lunges - your hamstrings will thank you but the little old lady trying to squeeze by may not so make sure to use your peripheral vision.

At first you may get turned around, but before you know it, you will know the mall like the back of your hand. You will eventually know where all of the pretzel samples are, the nicest family lounge style restrooms and where the overly aggressive eye cream kiosk sample people are located. This will be helpful in dodging unwanted solicitors trying to beautify you during your work out (especially if you have crows' feet like me). For an added cardio benefit, buy a few items and lift your bags up and down as you walk. Your workout is maximized when you are lifting weight or moving with your arms. One last tip? Try strapping on a pedometer or a fit bit type of device - you will be surprised by how many steps you get in under your belt!

photography FUJIO EMURA
creative direction and styling ASHLEY MUNNS


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