MATALE, once an avid art lover named Linda, hailing from a god forsaken place, now a full grown Serpentina. A self taught nail artist, witchery spells, first impression amateur, professional at goodbyes. Mutual love for mutants, and everyone with a fire desire to grow extra legs and hands for what they want in life.
Who is M A T A L E ?
My name is Linda, I was born and raised in Kosovo. I’m a nail artist, Dj and a party thrower. I go by MATALE, with appointments only.
You studied Fine Arts, how did that relate to what you do today?
As someone who grew up drawing and painting, studying painting seemed like something I always wanted to do, that is until I started studying fine arts in Prishtina. Four years of studying I spent growing nails and never painting. After my graduation I had very long natural nails and a nail art studio “Serpent Claws”.
Serpents, claws, LGBT, drag queens, and DJ-ing what do they have in common? What’s your favorite?
My HEART. A party with all of the above.
What/who is your biggest influence?
Boredom and Diamanda Gallas.
What’s your relationship status with Prishtina, how does it reflect on your work/everyday life?
Widowed. It’s like loving your dead partner who left you centsless. You wear black, work double shifts, grow 6 more arms to multitask, and mourn Monday-Friday so you can wear your highest heels and dance with your love’s soul on the weekends.
With all the social media, the abundance of branded and curated visual content, how do you go by selecting yours?
We have the tasks divided, my alter ego does the curating, and I usually approve.
Which famous serpent you’d love to “claw”?
Quay Dash.
courtesy MATALE
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