Maya Roo

Maya Roo

Itamar Harel @master_itamar

Itamar Harel @master_itamar

Don鈥檛 let Maya Roo鈥檚 cute lil name and even cuter face fool you. She is cool and composed and will write poetry in circles around you. 

Where do you live?
Tel Aviv, Israel.

What is your favorite childhood memory?
As a child growing up in a city, I didn't have much nature around so I think my favorite childhood memory is going out of the city to be in the nature. I also loved going to the cinema by myself and watching movies and eating candy!

ima cut u (:0

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You've had a buzz cut in some variation (leopard and rainbow and rat tails etc) what is something you would NEVER do to your hair?
Well, most of the hairstyles you mention were for shooting, but I loved them all - and the buzz head I kept for around two years. I don't think there is something I would never do, I鈥檓 not that way.

Do you have a style icon?
Duvdevani (Yarden) - style icon for Tel Aviv.

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the horse is dead my only souvenir

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from last summer @dudihasson1

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Do you like poetry?  Can you write something for me on the spot? 
I love writing and I think poetry might be more specific than what I write, I write in Hebrew most of the time and I love writing my dreams that are really crazy and mostly just nightmares, I also love making up stories and scripts.  

Here is a note on my phone that I wrote on 11/9/2017 at 13:58:
诪讛 注讚讬祝 讬讜转专 诇讛转驻转讞 讻讗讚诐 讘讞讘专讛 讻讞诇拽 诪讞讘专讛 砖讘讛 讛讜讗 讞诇拽 诪诪驻注诇 砖诇诐 讜讗讬谉 诇讜 诪砖诪注讜转 讗讬谞讚讬讘讗讜诇讬转 讞讜抓 诪讞诇拽讜 讘讞讘专讛 讛住驻爪讬驻讬转 砖讗诇讬讛 讛讜讗 诪砖转讬讬讱 注诐 讛讬住讟讜专讬讛, 讟讬拽住讬讜转, 讘诇讬 诪讜讚注讜转 住讘讬讘转讬转 讞讜抓 诪诇讞讘专讛 砖诇讜 讗讜 讘讞讬专讛 讘诪注砖讬讜 讗讜 讻讗讬谞讚讬讘讬讚讜讗诇 讻讘注诇 注爪诪讜 注诐 诪讜讚注讜转 注爪诪讬转, 讞讘专转讬转 讜讛讜诪讜谞讬住讟讬转 讞讜砖讘 驻讬诇讜住讜驻讬讛, 讞讜砖讘 注转讬讚 讜注讘专 讘讜讞专 诇注爪诪讜 讗转 讛讚专讱, 诪讘讞讬谞讛 专讜诪谞讟讬转 注讚讬祝 诇讛讬讜转 讗讬谞讚讬讘讬讚讜讗诇 讗讘诇 讝讛 讙诐 讛讬驻住讟专讬 讜诪讚讻讗.

What is better to develop as a person in society as part of a society in which he is part of an entire enterprise and has no individuation other than his part in the specific society to which he belongs with history, tics, without environmental awareness other than his own company or choice of his actions or as an individual with self-awareness, social and, Thinks future and past chooses his own way, romantically better to be an individual but it is also hysterical and depressing.


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Images courtesy of MAYA ROO


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