Mulas Hybrid Haus SS21
‘Mirror Soul’ is a collection created by fashion designer Mulas Hybrid Haus and visual artist Mila van der Linden that plays with the ideologies around love and loneliness. Taking the concept from the idea of “feeling alone in a crowd” the garments beautifully juxtaposes male and female bridal wear with the use of up cycled suits, pearls and voiles etc. The collection was presented alongside a short film directed by Mila van der Linden and shot by Sam Vis. Mirror Soul is a sensational, satirical and trippy fashion story, accompanied by measure-made music that enchants the narritive, also produced by Mila van der Linden.
photography event Team Peter Stigter
graphic design poster Jelle Aukes
photography poster texas scharfmacher
directed by Mila van der Linden
fashion Mulas Hybrid Haus
cinematography Sam Vis
edit Ruben Wiegerinck
music composition Mila van der Linden
set design Sjors Kroes
production Hilde van Halteren
graphic design Jelle Aukes
grading Roman Strijbos Het Kleurlokaal
sound design Camiel Muiser
light design Michiel Kingma Aron Hoebink
animation Vladimir Vidanovski
make up Isabel Montoya
hair Lea Muses Ella
styling Vicenta Ferreira Pinheiro Tirino Yspol
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