Nadia Morozewicz

Nadia Morozewicz


The Mood is the Medium: @NadiaMorozewicz is an advanced creator of strong compositions and magnetic colors leaving a fresh imprint in today’s photo game.


What is your favorite color - what is your connection with it - what does it make you feel?

I don’t have any favorites, I think. No favorite food or favorite colors. I would describe it more like phases. I got my periods with colors, I love when colors attack the viewer with a lot of drama. Like sunsets paired with neon, that’s my current phase regarding colors I think. It makes me happy when colors in a picture look like another reality, another dimension where everything seems to be surreal. My current phase with food is fresh bread with salty butter, that’s my thing now.


Talking colors and technique: How did you discover your very specific translation of color, texture and light?

I actually don’t know if there was a special moment where it ‚clicked’, but I guess when you produce and experiment a lot, like I did especially during my studies, then you drive yourself more and more into what you like and develop a certain picture language. I think it’s necessary to have a style as a photographer to survive in this industry, especially in these digital times. Everyone is able to produce a high quality picture with a fancy camera they buy, but I think it’s not about the medium, it’s about the message, about feelings. I don’t know what other people want to see in a picture, but I want to dive into a mood and a setting that tells me something or makes me wonder how it’s done. 

What is your favorite picture so far and why?
One of the ‚still catching me‘ ones is the one attached. I would love to take a walk in this world and get lost for a while.

What are you wearing right now - what does it say about you?

I’m happy that I don’t really own pyjamas, that makes it inevitable to get dressed during these home office times. I’m 30 now and kinda done with hype fashion, I’m back to basics like hoodie and jeans, but I’m extending my basics with flashy colors. That’s also a current phase, I would say.


You studied photography in Berlin and/or Vienna? How is the after life of university as a photographer - how do you make a living?

I studied visual design in Mainz first.Then moved to Vienna to study photography there. Later I moved to Berlin, where I’m based today. It’s not easy to be in the real world‘ after art university. Getting things done like paying your rent and taxes with that ‚clowns degree‘, requires a strong will and a big love for photography. Meanwhile I manage to make a living with photography, but it’s still a long way to where I want to be. 


Which is your most favorite place on earth?
Definitely at home with my family. <3

What inspires you most these days?

Future is …
Hopefully coming with a vaccine for Covid-19 to end this horror.




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