Nikki Vekemans
Inspired by random people in daily life and everyday objects she describes herself as campy and provocative. Nikki Vekemans is not your average fashionista and her Instagram aims to provoke and reimagine the standards of beauty. Her 7-year old sister is her role model and she uses her full-house family as a concept in her creative work.
Can you briefly introduce yourself? Who is Nikki?
I'm Nikki Vekemans, an Amsterdam based art director and student. My life is about friends, family, fashion, art and everything ironic.
How would you describe your style and where do you find your inspiration?
I would describe my style as ‘campy’. Most of the time I look like a glamorous hobo. That’s also where I get my inspiration from; random people in everyday life.
I see many family photos on your Instagram. How would you describe your family?
My family is a full house, I’m the oldest of 5. There are a lot of people resulting in lots of noise and funny moments. Especially my 7 year old sister, she is absolutely crazy. I’m blessed to see someone so funny and sweet becoming more mature everyday.
Who is your role model?
My lil sis Fay. Because she has the biggest “I don’t give a fuck” attitude you can think off, but is able to be the most sweet and caring 7 year as well.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Do you want to have a family of your own?
If nothing falls in place creatively, I’ll move to a small village to become the new town crazy.
What is fashion?
Everything that it is not.
What is your current obsession?
<3 crocs <3
What is the soundtrack of your life?
Medio Mutante - Another land
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