

It is inevitable that everyone and their mother (in America) will be posting old pictures of their Dad’s in washed out jeans, hairy chests and mustaches. Today, in honor of Father’s Day, we jump on the bandwagon and share with you @oldschooldads - an instagram feed that will warm your heart and make you want to call up your dad (or uncle or neighbor or mom or anyone who has made you feel good like a good Dad should!) 

What is your name? What is your dad’s name?
My name is Chase but I shouldn’t get too much credit for that since I was absent during that series of meetings! The credit (in large part) goes to my dad, Quin. (“Ev'rybody's building the big ships and the boats, Some are building monuments, Others, jotting down notes, Ev'rybody's in despair, Ev'ry girl and boy But when Quin(n) the Eskimo gets here, Ev'rybody's gonna jump for joy.”)

Are you a dad? 
I’m not sure what the technical definition of a “dad” is, so that’s hard to answer. What I do know is that if I tell you I just found out I’m gonnabeadad.com in about 7 to 8 months… you and your readers would know that fact before my friends and family, and my wife might get mad at me for spilling the beans in this fashion. So…should be fun!

Is there a dad that has had an influence on your life and your decisions? 
Yes, of course. My own dad made a pretty big impression on me and was a profound influence. In particular, I remember going out to pizza with him sometime in the beginning of my senior year of High School and talking about how I didn’t know what I would amount to if I didn’t end up going to college the next year as I was well on my way to failing out. The conversation ended with me feeling a firm sense of encouragement from my dad that I would be okay, no matter what I decided. I decided to hitchhike the country and have an amazing 10 year adventure. Then I went to college. He was right. I was okay the whole time, and I’m even okayer now!

Who is your favorite movie/tv dad?
That’s a difficult question to answer! I don’t know why I feel like I’m betraying Carl Winslow & Danny Tanner, but I’m going to go with Robin Williams (R.I.P.) as Daniel Hillard/Mrs. Euphegenia Doubtfire from the film, “Mrs. Doubtfire”. It’s a timeless movie and the lengths that Robin’s character will go to be with his kids is beautiful/funny/inspiring.

What is your best dad joke?
Well, I’ve got a large handful of favorite jokes told to me by dads, but I think it’s best to hold off on those until I know you better. My favorite dad joke is basically me saying some variant of “…and don’t worry, we are obviously going to tip the full 5%...” to any waiter/waitress/bartender I have the pleasure of meeting. I could be dead wrong, but my experience (sample size of 20,000) is that this is a line that most servers haven’t encountered, and their reactions are typically priceless (for the record, I’ve been a server, and I never actually leave 5%!).

Do you wear dad shoes?
Absolutely not. Boots or bust.


images courtesy of CHASE BANTA


interview ASHLEY MUNNS


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