Venus as a Boy

Venus as a Boy

transparent shirt J JS LEE jacket TIMOTHY BOUYEZ-FORGE

transparent shirt J JS LEE jacket TIMOTHY BOUYEZ-FORGE

It's about erasing the borders. Gender neutralize and smooth out the pre-selected boxes we are suppose to tick off. The boys got dressed up in heels and dresses and instead of letting the clothes mutate their personality they transform into one unique individual, without frames.

jacket MICHIKO KOSHINO pants ANGEL CHEN. transparent top J JS LEE jacket MICHIKO KOSHINO

jacket MICHIKO KOSHINO pants ANGEL CHEN. transparent top J JS LEE jacket MICHIKO KOSHINO

track jacket and pants COTTWEILER blazer and transparent top J JS LEE. top COTTWEILER shoulder piece EMMA BERGAMIN

track jacket and pants COTTWEILER blazer and transparent top J JS LEE. top COTTWEILER shoulder piece EMMA BERGAMIN

dress and transparent top J JS LEE. sweater and skirt HARRY EVANS

dress and transparent top J JS LEE. sweater and skirt HARRY EVANS


photography LARS BRONSETH
creative direction PATRIZIA WILK D’ELIA and NOEY PARK
hair stylist ALFIE SACKETT
makeup artist FATMA BENDRIS
photography assistant MEHRAN PAKGOHAR


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