View From A Window

View From A Window

Think of it as paparazzi for the common folk or as backup for your local damsel in distress. Don’t you think every city could use someone like this…keeping tabs from a birds eye view? It’s almost like having extra security or a captive audience. However you feel about it, @view.from.a.window ain’t goin’ nowhere anytime soon - they say they will continue posting as long as they have their day job, a view and a window!

What is your name and where do you live?
To preserve the original intention of the account, I would like my person to remain anonymous and my location unknown. I'm sure someone could easily figure out where I am posting from, so I will leave that up to the viewer!

What made you want to view from a window?
I spend a fair amount of time at my job, where "my" window is located. Sometimes while pondering over a task I look out the window and watch the scene unfold. If I see something interesting, I snap a pic. My desire to view from a window is similar to a person pacing around the house while on a telephone. 

Do you always post views from the exact same window? 
I have posted from two windows. I used to have a desk about 15 feet away from my current office. I think my last post taken from the previous window was on October 23, 2017 - all posts since have been taken from my new office window. 

Do you use multiple windows? 
Yes, two windows total (see above) - but only when forced to a new location. Right now I am only capturing photos from one window - I will keep posting on this account as long as I am working in this building. 

Where are the windows located in your building?
The building I work in is sort of an L shape - my window is located along the bottom of the L, facing towards a long plaza. The windows are pretty evenly spaced. I think there was a Borders bookstore here before we moved in. 

Do you use your cell phone camera? What kind of phone do you have?
All of my photos are taken on my iPhone camera - I typically need to zoom in to focus on the subject i am capturing which gives the photo a sort of grainy texture (which I like).

What is the strangest thing you've ever witnessed from a window?
Recently, I was looking out the window and saw a guy trying to take a photo/video of a girl playing a banjo. He was trying to get a picture up her skirt. I ended up going out and following him to try and confront him. He ended up going to a Starbucks bathroom (probably to look at the pictures/videos he had taken). He then left without purchasing anything and I followed him until I ultimately lost him in a parking garage. I haven't seen him since but I know what he looks like should he show up again. 

There is also a man that walks up the street totally naked which is amusing (it's legal to walk around nude where I live but rarely do people exercise the right).

Do people ever catch you taking pics of them - do they generally care?
People do catch me taking pictures - one guy actually signed I C U, which I posted as a video on my feed (October 12, 2016). Some people care and some don't - part of the appeal for me is the voyeuristic aspect - capturing people unaware. Very few people look at whats going on above them and they miss out.

If you could redesign your window - what changes or improvements would you make?
I love my window - I don't think there is much I would change :)


Images courtesy of VIEW FROM A WINDOW


interview ASHLEY MUNNS

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