Alex Greenberg

Alex Greenberg

A skateboard nomad in China: Alex tells us about the Chinese skateboard scene, life in Shanghai and his new podcast fueling meaningful conversation.

Why China - what is your fascination about it?
I actually moved to China for a job. I came here to teach skateboarding. Starting around 2005-2007 I was noticing a lot of crazy spots in skate videos and asking myself where they were located. Then I learned that a lot of those are actually based in China. Knowing that I realized there China was a solid skate scene out there. So I went. 


What is the difference betwen the European/Us Scene and the Asian Skate scene?
The biggest difference is that skateboarding is newer to China compared to EU and USA, so its just exciting to see it grow. The people and government are cracking down with small fines to detour skaters from skating on public spots, but it is not nearly as harsh as people think. There was also a period of time when big brands were throwing a lot of money at skate events and activations. That time has come and gone though.

Where do you currently live - what are you doing there?
I’m based in Shanghai. I make podcasts, produce branded content like commercials, music videos and documentaries. And I develop the brand that is @ShanghaiObserved: I came up with the idea to do street photography in Shanghai, because I wanted to do a daily photo project. If you want to find out more about the shanghai street photography or any general things about me, you can listen it up on my podcast "Solo Observations“.

You recently started a podcast called „Observing the process“. What is your message?
My message for my podcast lies within the name. I think it’s super important to have an aim in everything you do. As corny as it sounds: the aim isn’t necessarily going to be what makes you happy in the end the journey, but to get there is what should be enjoyable. So my podcast is about observing that process... the process of meeting your expectations or aims. It’s about respecting that process and learning to love it.

What is the craziest pic you took so far (and what is the story behind it)?
I snapped a video of one guy at the top of a ladder with one worker at the bottom holding it so it wouldn’t swing back and forth. The way they fix telephone cables is by using a ladder with hooks at the top of it. Then they hang the ladder on the cables and climb up it. It's pretty mental to watch.


If you were a Chinese dish, which one would you be - and why?
Mapo Tofu. B/c 麻婆豆腐 is life

What inspires you the most these days?
Podcasts! I love making the outline for a guest, doing the research and learning about them. Then the actual discussion is so refreshing because we switch the phones off and have meaningful conversations. 

Tell us something about yourself we really should know - what do you like - what do you hate?
I love skateboarding because I don’t need anyone else to do it. If I want to go out and skate, I just do it. I hate how social media makes me feel calculated with friends and acquaintances.  


courtesy @ag.jpg


interview @francissalvator


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