Apes On Dragons

Apes On Dragons

We now live in a world that is shifting continually towards a digital outlook, and an industry favouring this change are fine art creatives, taking advantage of society’s admiration for everything technological to make profit and bring awareness to their art.

I am of course, talking about the rise of non-fungible tokens, more commonly known as NFT’s. NFT’s are one-of-a-kind digital pieces that when swapped, are something completely different- so when you own an NFT, you own the only version across the whole internet; they can be anything accessed digitally, specifically art, and creative Apes on Dragons has immersed themselves in this phenomenon.

Apes On Dragons creates collections of NFTs that are based on the Solana Blockchain- a system of recording information from algorithms that makes it virtually impossible to change or edit, so once you own one of these NFTs, you own it as it is, for life, and you are the only one to own it.

The artwork itself is humorously absurd, with each image presenting us with the same layout in different forms, of course, of an ape sitting on a dragon. The visuals are reminiscent of video games from the Y2K area of some of our childhoods, with pixelated animations we can only associate with collecting game coins and using keys to dart about the screen. Of course, the appeal lies in the fact that each of these artworks, although the same basis is used, is entirely visually different. Whether your preference is towards a skeletal ape running through space, a naked ape flying through the sky or an ape listening to music whilst navigating a futuristic city, Apes On Dragons has an iteration for everyone to enjoy.

If you consider yourself worthy of owning one of Apes On Dragons’ one of a kind NFT’s, you can join the Whitelist via their Twitter or Discord.




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