Arcin Sagdic

Arcin Sagdic

As it turns out, Arcin Sagdic is sort of a big deal. He is seemingly and undeniably calm, cool and collected based on his internet presence and the brief email exchange we had - He wasn’t available for a Q and A so I will tell you a little bit about my findings.

What did I find? Well, his Instagram and website are really nice. Polished, pretty and minimal. Dare I say Humble, even. After digging deeper, I realized it’s all in the name of the game he plays so well. Nowhere on his site did I find what I found when I Googled him. I know, I know, to most people a Vogue or Numero Magazine cover may not be the end all. But for me, a self proclaimed fashion freak, these accomplishments are, indeed, a very big deal. His work is surrealistic. Intense, intentional, mysterious, serious and sometimes unnerving. There seems to be a looming contradiction. A kind of push/pull relationship between restraint and chaos - Something every human being can relate to in this day and age.

Sagdic’s work is honest and sincere; dipping into our most vulnerable feelings and forcing the viewer to confront his or her most basic and visceral of human conditions. What I find most interesting about this artist is his ability to keep us at an arm’s length - somehow removed in the actual viewing experience - while also making it impossible to break free from his visual grip.


Images courtesy of ARCIN SAGDIC


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