Mirko Borsche

Mirko Borsche

Mirko Borsche is a renowned german creative art director born in 1971, who loves to create original works within the scope of art, subculture, and design. Founder of the graphic studio Bureau Borsche located in Southern Munich, he and his team offer design and communication consultancy for clients from all fields of interest from advertising agencies, such as Springer & Jacoby to global brands like Levi’s, MTV, and Mercedes-Benz, Balenciaga, Nike, and Rimowa. For its achievements, Bureau Borsche has won numerous international awards its work has held critical acclaim in both the business and advertising sector as well as having been part of many exhibitions worldwide.


What does ignite your creative process? Tell more about the way to approach and develop your projects.
There are a few essential steps in our works: the look and aesthetic have to evolve from the idea, the outcome of a project has to fit the clients need and we always try to work as close as possible with the clients. Communication is the key.

Who are the artists or designers you admire the most and deeply impacted on your aesthetic?
I really love the covers Barbara Wojirsch did for ECM Records in the 1970s. Also Willy Fleckhaus and Paul Rand were great influences during my studies.


Describe yourself with three concepts. How do these personality traits reflect on your work?
Conceptual chaos, structured irony, organized variety.
We work for a variety of different clients, cultural institutions like the Bavarian State Opera, the Ballet etc. as well as big brands like Nike, Balenciaga, and Rimowa. Our work is always content-driven, based on the idea of design as a source of learning, understanding, and joy.

Tell me about a project, you really had fun in the making and that still brings your excitement back whenever it comes to mind.
Stommelner Psalter. It looks like a bible, but actually is an exhibition catalog we made for Christoph Keller.Another quite different, but super fun project, was Horst magazine.


Working with established brands presents compels different complexities than dealing with art and editorial projects. What are the main challenges of managing such a varied portfolio of clients?
The main goal is to create a concept that doesn’t only reflect a brand or an institution but speaks a universal language. Nowadays, the big challenge is to create something special that causes enough attention to stand out between all other pieces of work out there.


Have you ever met a person in your life who acted as a mentor and influenced your work, by making you grow not only professionally but as a human being?
Definitely Pierre Mendell. He was great on many levels.

Bureau Borsche, your studio, is a promethean example of entrepreneurship, but partners and co-workers are essential to convey and deliver the best results. How do you select and attract new talents to join your team?
Having a good atmosphere in the studio is the most important thing for a great creative output. Good environment equals good work. We all know each other well and if someone new is joining the team he or she has to fit into the group on a personal level first. That's the reason why almost every employee used to be an intern at our studio at one point: we really get to know them over half a year.

What do you think is the key of your success? What are the skills and the mindset you think creatives needs to have in order to be successful in the competitive world of the arts?
It’s important to keep in mind that you shouldn’t spend most of the days in the week at a job or an office where you’re not at least 80% happy. So, make up your mind, take a risk and focus on your goals. And never eat in front of your screen!


You have acquired a significant recognition in the field, how can you cope with the constant challenge of innovating and the necessity to preserve your creative identity at the same time without diluting your personal brand? What are the next steps of your career?
I don't see us as a brand that has to preserve a certain style.The most important thing is to find the perfect design solution for our clients. No big ego involved, but surely for us, an original and strong visual language is important. Our storytelling has to communicate directly because we want people to understand the message.   
The next step for us is moving into a new space close to the main station of Munich end of this year. The office is divided into two parts: a former Indian takeaway with a big store window, which will serve us as an exhibition and event space. Through the backyard, you can access the second part, where our main working area will be. We are super excited about the new space and how it will influence our work and the studio in general.




interview ELENA CENCIA


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