Mitchell Craft

Mitchell Craft

Craft’s website is crazy cool and full of surprises. It has an interactive section on it’s menu that lets you, the user, manipulate your experience - quite empowering and slightly unnerving for the less technologically advanced like myself. With each click, a visual or audio surprise is in store to delight your senses.

What's it like in Virginia? Is it true that there is a Waffle House every few miles?
Haha yes, that is true, Waffle House is everywhere. It’s actually quite convenient sometimes, especially on road trips when you need some grub at 3am.

How old are you and what turned you onto video manipulation and animation? 
I am 23 years old, and I started off doing stop-motion animation after watching The Science of Sleep by Michel Gondry when I was about 12 years old. Here is a stop motion video I made at age 13:

What exactly is kinetic imaging?
Kinetic Imaging was the program I went through while studying at VCUarts. To me, Kinetic Imaging is just another name for New Media Art which is essentially the study of new technologies and computers in art.   

Do people still say "computer art"? How do you explain what you do to someone who isn't tech savvy?
Haha, sometimes I say “computer art” just to make it easier for the person I’m talking to!

EarHole 👂🏻👂🏼👂🏽👂🏾👂🏿 Link in bioo

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Did you get good grades in school?

In the last year alone, about how many hours did you spend in front of a computer screen? (Guesstimate!)
Oooo, I’m scared to admit….At least 3000 or 4000 hours?

Do you do finger, hand, wrist and shoulder stretches regularly?
You know, sometimes you have to pop those air bubbles in your Synovial Fluids. 

What is the last internet rabbit hole you went down?

Zine coming soon.. 👀👀

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Do you play Sims? Mine Craft? Other computer games?
Ha, Sims was my jam as a child. I remember “hacking” it by repainting furniture and wall textures using MS Paint.

Are you into sports? Are you into gardening? Are you into Poker?
I really enjoy biking. I have an aloe plant. I won 50 bucks at a Pachinko Parlor in Kobe, Japan once. Did you know that in Pachinko they count your winnings in marbles? That’s crazy to me. It would be so inconvenient if marbles were a form of actual currency.


Images/video courtesy of MITCHELL CRAFT


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