Sara Boljak

Sara Boljak

standing there like it's nobody's business/// IDA KLAMBORN aw17

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When I wrote to Sara she was busy on vacation of unknown location. Back in Stockholm she was busy running her lesbian strip club. She says she lacks time but when she gives us that mesmerizing come-on look, time becomes timeless.

I’d say I’m an artist of some sort, like everyone else in my entitled millenial generation.  
My focus right now is on the lesbian strip club I’m running in Stockholm, it’s one of my favourite projects at the moment, and the most time consuming.

Location at the moment?
Stockholm, Sweden

What has been your latest desire?
I always desire myself. In all kinds of ways. It’s my latest and also my strongest desire. I’ve begun to desire more space for my ideas to grow in, for them to mature and develop into what I feel is their biggest potential.

Greatest challenge in life?
Time. The lack of time to create all the things I want. I suppose it’s not really a challenge, I can’t do anything about time - it will pass, whether I want to or not.

quietly malfunctioning w bae @l.ind

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What is your (real) super power?
Honestly, I believe it’s my emotions, my ability to feel is the power I’m mostly proud of. It allows me to love, appreciate and respect others and myself in deeper and more true ways.

If anyone else were in your shoes, what shoes would they wear?
Probably some ridiculous high heeled leather boot, the question is - who would they become? Being in my shoes, both in a literal and abstract sense, also means taking on all kinds of things; looks, intersectional oppressions, privileges and emotions. Putting on different shoes, in whatever sense, changes a person.


Images courtesy of SARA BOLJAK



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