Shannon Wise

Shannon Wise

What is your earliest memory of music?
My earliest memory of music is running around in my dad's recording studio. His studio, which was called The Shed, was a floor above my family's apartment on 3rd avenue in NYC. I would crawl around and take naps under his mixing board while he was working on songs. I loved to play with the drawbars on the organ in the live room. I remember being so excited by all of the crazy different sounds that the organ made.

If you were stranded on an island what album would you bring? 
Hank Williams' Greatest Hits(NOT Hank Williams Jr.)

nevr leave home without stripes ๐Ÿ”ถ๐Ÿ”ท๐Ÿ”ถ๐Ÿ”ท

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Whatโ€™s your process when it comes to creating music? 
I usually just play the guitar until I find some chords that I like, and I sing around until some melody and words surface.


When and where are you happiest? 
One of the best feelings for me is finishing a new song, recording a demo on my cassette machine, and then listening to it over my stereo in my room. I also am very happy while in Princeton, NJ with my boyfriend. He has a really nice studio of his own and we make songs together.

after this i fell over a box and broke glasses :/

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Describe a time you laughed the hardest in your life. 
Doing funny m dances with my boyfriend to "There is a mountain" by Donovan.


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Images courtesy of SHANNON WISE


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