Tim Plamper

Tim Plamper

you lie in my cracks, and i mirror in your Absence / my ego clashes against a perishing ritual / the performed invisibility of your arcane appearance / a rumble from the never sewing the Void / incautious frequencies and ancestral motions voicing the perpetual present / it is the ineluctable Abyss that drifts in between two magnetic beings / merging to spread wide in the maze of singularity / at the mercy of entropy, i name an act of rupture

There is a limit beyond which events elude any linear comprehension and morph into pure ebbs and streams of life. These incidents act as the key to the gates of the unknown, a path of no return yet not typified by nihilistic tendencies. Sheer potential lurks, in fact, beyond these thresholds. Boundaries are nothing but contexts enabling the encounter - or collision - among a plurality of entities, belief systems, notions, cultural constructs, corporeal fluids, identities, desires.

Opposite conditions such as alien and familiar, intimate and remote, inner and outer can fuse at the borders, orbiting and gravitating one towards the other. Reality is forged in the now, and even the impossibility of touch is a chance to corrupt the condition of immunity from the otherness. Hybrid layers of meaning intertwine through frictions, interferences, fusions and disruptions when the frequency regulating their state increase untamed.

What happens when the horizons of existing are doubled, and perspectives get tainted by the force of an abyssal discovery?

i seek the leftovers of my slimy identity / by mating with your limits in a transcendental crescendo / every gesture seals the cycle of the Unknown / a ride towards the Echo of the soul and its initiation / the profusion of Chaos at the dawn of some meaning / touching is the character of mortality / Gravity, the catalyst of belonging / primordial force entrusting the Self into a sidereal fall / i stand on the edges of a misty Horizon / to reveal that nothing is transmissible without loss

"Security IV (Event Horizon)” premiered in Berlin on 9th July, 2022. It is conceived as a subsequent chapter of Tim Plamper’s earlier piece “Security III (Tiger)”, and is embedded into his work cycle “Exit II”.


director TIM PLAMPER

art director LUISA WEISSFLOG

choreographer FRANK WILLENS

performers KIM OBI

guitarist NAHUM

costume designer YNRY

graphic designer HAGEN TANNEBERGER



make-up artist UNA RYU



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