All in art


Balaclava-clad NFT artist, DotPigeon, is rioting against social conventions and the restrictions of creativity. Vivid and aesthetically pleasing, his work combines recognizable indicators of luxury whilst the art’s protagonist, who also dons the bally, contrasts with the polished placidity of his lavish settings.


Although conventionally the practice of witchcraft and modern digital processes dominating our world are seen as being as far apart as physically possible, music artist DASYCHIRA finds a way for these to work in conjunction to hone in on and add power to their artistry.

Fertile Strains

In the midst of the climate crisis, in a world where our future is so unsure and pondered upon with theories such as Area 51 tainting our opinions of what actually could be out there, Fertile Strains takes our theorising into a digitally manufactured, fictional species in our dystopian future.

Loki Dolor

With clients such as Hungry and Brooke Candy, Loki Dolor’s work transforms wearers into futuristic, creature-like hybrids of their composure, utilising 3D printing processes in conjunction with inspiration from nature to bring together humanity’s past and future in intricate wearable art.

The Sick Oscillator Boy

In a post-pandemic world where shooting in teams on location is no longer feasible, creatives have been taking initiative by utilising technological programs to mimic activities they are skilled in digitally. The Sick Oscillator Boy is an example of one of these artists, utilising digital programs to create works that consider what future our world, and physical forms may face with the sinister rise of technology.

Eleonora Luccarini

Even more so in the modern world dominated by technology, photo editing and non-human Instagram influencers, it can be difficult to understand our own identity and forge ourselves a place within the online sphere. Eleonora Luccarini addresses this dynamic in her work, utilising her alter ego, Leonard Sante, a CGI avatar, to consider how a technological form can allow us to adapt our structure and ponder which feels correct, as his physicality can be changed as easily as a computer file.

Ziyang Wu

In the digital domain of NFT’s, New York based artist, Ziyang Wu, creates surreal and immersive pieces that are firmly planted in our societies globalized, post-internet reality. This otherworldly artist is about to bring us back down-to-earth.

Nathan Harper

Art as a ritual, a memorial, a secret handshake; multidisciplinary artist Nathan Harper on the nature of creating in a hyper-connected yet troubled world.

Oswaldo Erréve

NTF armour to be the campiest galactic warrior of the metaverse? LA NFT artist Oswaldo Erréve marries the concept of sustainable fashion with the utterly most opulence and style. Ready for the new world.

Aisha The Robot

In a world shifting evermore to the digital realm, Aisha The Robot is an artistic representation of where society may be headed, and how we can work with, rather than against the rise of technology as creatives in the future.


Creative duo CROSSLUCID’s digital experiences aim to create a safe space to challenge gender constructs, body politics and spearhead the positive movements in relation to sex and the erotic.

Dehara Yukinori

Figure illustrator, clay and vinyl figure creator, vivid colours and hungover revelations. Welcome to planet ‘Neighbours’, the world of Dehara Yukinori.