Boochie Baby

Boochie Baby


“Boochie Baby is a dystopian cowboy, crusty car salesman, court jester, [and a] Covid lovechild.” Born from the mind of graphics and textile artist, costume designer, and stylist, Georgia Harper, Boochie Baby physically represents the everlasting relationship between capitalism and sustainability by referencing major aspects of colonialism and consumerism. The character presented in the editorial is, “dressed in garments that employ localism through vintage re-use, eco-punk and speculative design of new textiles.” The Chrysalis Cowboy hat was sculpted from several ‘single-use’ plastic containers. Likewise, the faux leather garment that Georgia incorporates is made from ‘kombucha Scoby’. Even the shoes they styled in Boochie Baby are from a series of hyper object footwear. Combining the use of their own clothing with vintage and handmade garments, Georgia’s practice aims to create a consciousness about modern consumption arrogance in the Western world. They demand a better textile future where material repurposing using new creative technologies to significantly reduce the use of natural resources is the cultural norm. "This ego-driven detachment from resourcefulness, craft and upcycling is the crux of our consumption emptiness, we need to slow down, create thoughtful textiles, and make craft cool again."


photography and edits GEORGIA HARPER
hair makeup GEORGIA HARPER


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