Charlotte Barry

Charlotte Barry

Les Broderies, 2016, wool yarn, hessian, variable dimensions  image : Dominique Delpoux, Pollen, Monflanquin exhibition view

Through her practice, Charlotte Barry proposes us a reflection on sculpture, through her installations and drawings; the artist works in terms of masses and voids each spaces she uses as a support to her work. The point, the line and the gesture are all becoming elements by which the work is built - a set of controlled and infinite movements - but which also allow the artist to install the viewer into a space she works and redefined according to her own constraints. Also, whether it is the space of an exhibition room or a sheet of paper, the viewer is confronted to a tamed and familiar space in which each dots and traits lead the sight.

Les Broderies, 2016, wool yarn, hessian, variable dimensions  image : Dominique Delpoux, Pollen, Monflanquin exhibition view

Les Broderies, 2016, wool yarn, hessian, variable dimensions  image : Dominique Delpoux, Pollen, Monflanquin exhibition view

Les Hybrides, 2014-2016, drawing series ink on paper, colored pencil ,40x50 cm each. Wall Drawing sanded indian ink in-situ 2015 exhibition view, La Ligne Noire, Festival Graphéine, Lieu-Commun, Toulouse

Les Hybrides, 2014-2016, drawing series ink on paper, colored pencil 40x50 cm each

Les Fragments, 2015, drawing series ink on paper 14,9x19,9 cm each. Image: Adeline Moreau

The works are built with a vocabulary made of hybrid and organic shapes whose dithering (points and/or traits), used by the artist, reveals the undefined shapes and volumes which are finding their own meaning in our imagination. A creative process that takes place in the repetition of the same gesture and whose soft material allows the artist to model a series of infinite forms. If the tradition has taught us to see the drawing as a step preceding the making of the sculpture, it is not the case in Charlotte Barry's practice since the drawing is the medium allows her to expand her repertory of shapes and creates a conversation between sculptures and drawings

Les Fragments, 2015, drawing series ink on paper 14,9x19,9 cm each. Image: Adeline Moreau

Les Fragments, 2015, drawing series ink on paper 14,9x19,9 cm each. Image: Adeline Moreau

Les Ronds d'Or, 2016, drawing series golden rounded card. Image: Dominique Delpoux, Pollen, Monflanquin, exhibition view

Les Ronds d'Or, 2016, drawing series golden rounded card. Image: Dominique Delpoux, Pollen, Monflanquin, details

Text by Alex Chevalier

Images courtesy of the Artist
Charlotte Barry


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