Fuck Advertisements

Fuck Advertisements


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The nameless and elusive “grammar” @fuckadvertisements is one of few words with a feed that says it all.


A cult classic

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Who and where are you in real life?
I like to be anonymous, and I live on the internet.


@salvabeats pull up

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What is your day job - Are you a big dawg advertising exec?!
I quit my job in advertising to entertain people on Instagram.

What are your thoughts on advertising?
Advertising can be really great but also really shitty, which can also be great...in a different way.

Who or what do you have to thank for your sense of humour?
Car insurance commercials.

from oneheadtoanother.tumblr.com

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Why do you like the internet?
It's like a mirror that reflects people how they really are.

Why don't you like the internet?
It's like a mirror that reflects people how they really are.


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interview ASHLEY MUNNS

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