Radomir Damnjan

Radomir Damnjan

The Daily Ritual of Drinking Coffee video-performance, Ingrid Dacić Gallery, Tübingen, Germany. 1976, b/w movie, sound movie

Radomir Damnjan was born in 1935 in Mostar, Kingdom of Yugoslavia. He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade and continued his studies as a Fulbright Scholar in Los Angeles and New York from 1971–1972. Damnjan began his artistic career as a painter influenced by abstract modernist works. His own work mirrored that of a reductionist and minimalist mentality. With his performance work, however, he ushered in a new era of more conceptual and highly radical, political work. Damnjan’s art critically examined the relationship between the artist and the artistic object or work while questioning the institutionalism and elitism of art itself.

Large Still Life performance on the III. International festivla of video art "Videoart Festival", Locarno - Ascona, Italy. 1982

Man Made of Newspaper or the Possibilities for Communication performance at Student's Cultural Centre Gallery, Belgrade, Serbia. 1973, 8 mm, silent movie, b/w movie

Flag, 1974, silent movie, colour movie, 8 mm

 Painting, 2010, acrylic, linen canvas, 50 x 50 cm

 Painting, 2013, acrylic, linen canvas, 110 x 110 cm

Painting, 2013, acrylic, linen canvas, 90 x 90 cm

The interventions nº 1, 1974, paper, pen, cardboard, 30.1 x 36.7 cm

The Serbian painter and conceptual artist has been featured in the Venice, Tokyo, São Paulo Biennials. His extensive range of mediums include painting, drawing, graphics, photography, film, video, and performance. He currently lives and works between Milan and Belgrade.




Images courtesy of the Artist
Radomir Damnjan


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